Obama vs. Netanyahu: The Thugocracy and the Statesman Sunday, Jan 25 2015 

Obama’s Never-Ending Tantrum

John Boehner set up a visit for Prime Minister Netanyahu to address Congress two weeks before the elections in Israel. Obama and Valerie Jarrett are so angry that they are taking their toys and going home. As if the game is over. As if they have the final word.

Iran Wants to Nuke Israel

Here’s the real problem. Netanyahu, “will do anything to prevent Iran from directing a nuclear weapon at Israel. I will speak in any place that makes Israel’s voice heard and protects our future and existence”.

Well, damn. It seems that Obama is working his own deal and isn’t bothered if Iran nukes Israel.

Playground Bullies

Some unknown/unnamed White House staffer made the following ‘threatening’ statement, “Netanyahu ought to remember that President Obama has a year and a half left to his presidency, and that there will be a price.”



Are you people in the third grade?

Playground Bullies. Yes that describes the Obama administration perfectly. Playground Bullies.

Israel Means NOTHING to Obama

Obama has taken great pleasure over the past six years in dismissing and disrespecting the only other Democratically held country in the Middle East, and our only ally. As the leader of the free world, Obama has learned no lessons about statesmanship, grace, forgiveness and does not have the emotional capacity to reach across the aisle to ANYONE that disagrees with him.

If Obama doesn’t like something, his office will leak the story to the media and the media will bend over backwards to ensure that he gets the upper hand, whatever it may be, and regardless of the consequences. Regardless of his childish behavior.

The liberal discourse within Obama does not allow him to see outside the box. It does not allow for reason or debate. It’s his way, and only his way. That is true with his relationship with Republicans, voters, media that doesn’t parrot his ideas and world leaders. His emotional intelligence is so thin that it makes him irrational. He will bite off his nose to spite his face. His behavior in this circumstance is trivial, elementary, and just shows his inability – once again, to lead.

The Obama Excuse

Netanyahu’s visit occurs two weeks before his country’s election. Obama is using that as an excuse not to see him. Democrats such as John Huntsman (Former Democratic Utah Gov.) has piled on, claiming that, “It’s bad statecraft, it’s bad politics, and I think it’s going to put a real damper on what traditionally is the head-of-state to head-of-state relationship that governs foreign policy”.

Obama a statesman?

Obama understanding foreign policy?

Huntsman – what are you smoking?

Using the media to pull someone from the past, and not a leading Democrat in the House or Senate is a desperate reach to justify not meeting with Netanyahu.

Obama needs media cover because instead of sanctioning Iran, he’s trying to cut a deal with them. But Senator Robert Menendez (NJ) has spoken up and probably just ended his political career by saying that Obama’s ”talking points sound like they come straight out of Tehran.”

Instead of criticizing the Prime Minister for his planned visit, Obama’s focus is on Iran. He thinks that he’s going to ride in on a white horse and save the day. Obama would do well to take a step back, put on some dignity, spritz himself with humility and work with world leaders instead of working so hard to publicly embarrass them.

This is not the first time that Obama has thrown a ghetto-sized tantrum over Netanyahu and it won’t be the last.

But this is the guy that met with a Youtube nobody, and can’t make time for the Prime Minister of Israel.

Imagine if Obama were that dedicated to fixing problems like a nuclear Iran, a nuclear North Korea, our struggling economy, jobs and American families.

Not this President. Not ever. Dignity is beneath him.

I’m Going to Play Offense Friday, Jan 16 2015 

Said Obama to his weak-kneed audience of luke-warm Democrats. The guy who promised to reach across the aisle in 2014 after his party was shellacked for the second time uses words like air. Inhale. Exhale. Words escape his lips but they have no meaning. Empty-headed, meaningless words.

Now that Republicans control both the House and Senate, Obama is gathering his ever so small army of Democratic compadre’s to wage war on what is left of his Presidency. For a guy that is so anti-war, he sure does pick and choose who he does battle with.

Although he has made promises over the years with Republicans, the truth is that he has never made the effort. He doesn’t even work well within his own party. That’s why he uses the federal pen so much. He believes that Congress (both parties) are a roadblock so he circumvents them with Presidential Memoranda and Executive Orders.

The Democratic process of getting bills passed is too cumbersome and time-consuming for Obama. It’s worked for more than 200 years, but it doesn’t work for socialists.

In an article by Manu Raju, Obama promised to “veto hostile legislation from the GOP-controlled Congress, including an Iran sanctions package on the front-burner of Capitol Hill”.

When did legislation become “hostile”?

Obama is bent on defending his liberal ideology of socialist rule and needs his minion of remaining Democrats to stand with him to prop up his veto vote. This includes sanctions against Iran, because as usual he thinks he’s the smartest guy in the room and can actually negotiate with Iran.

Obama promised that he would not sit on the sidelines for the next two years.

So Obama suddenly has GAME?!

No. Obama has ego and ideology. Not Game.

Obama will spend the next two years vacationing away our tax dollars and using his pen to make deals with shady people and terrorist countries, but he will be on the sidelines.

He’s a lame duck. That’s how it works.

Obama’s Madness and Method of Control Thursday, Dec 18 2014 

When Obama doesn’t get his way he has a tool chest full of deceit and he’s become an expert at using these tools. He uses the infamous pen and phone, the AutoPen, Executive Orders, the media AND a little something he likes to call Presidential Memoranda.

The truth about Obama is that he cannot work with people that have opposing views. Right now, that’s pretty much everyone in Congress. He has taken on the power of a monarch and his powers remain unchecked.

This is a problem.

Let’s talk lawlessness for a moment and the new face that it represents. When we elect people to represent us, that is our minimum expectation. That they will pass laws that protect, not impugn us. That they will not insult or blame us and not have a different set of expectations that they themselves are not willing to follow. We expect them not to act as a Dictator. We expect them to hold our interests, our families, our economy, our military, our foreign policies and our nation in their best interest.

We’ve all heard about Obama’s arrogant use of his pen and phone. Instead of working with Congress, he uses the power of his office to pass legislation that hasn’t been vetted, does not benefit our nation, and has proven to be unconstitutional. How does a Constitutional Lawyer get away with such lawlessness, and why does he still have his pen and phone?

In January 2014, Obama put on his serious face to pretend that he had “work to do”. That’s one of his most annoying quotes, that and the look of contempt on his face and those angrily clenched jaws. Obama was temporarily interested in the state of the economy, jobs and American families. He stated, “We’re not just going to be waiting for legislation in order to make sure that we’re providing Americans the kind of help they need. I’ve got a pen and I’ve got a phone,” Obama’s pretend focus on the economy typically lasts as long as his speech. He has never stuck around to work with Congress to get any real work done. Instead he circumvents Congress because he thinks he’s a king and he thinks that he has autonomy to do whatever he wants.

In that same lecture to the American people, he stated; “The belief that everybody’s got to take responsibility, everybody’s got to work hard, but if you do, that you can support a family and meet the kinds of obligations that you have to yourself and your family, but also to your communities and your neighbors.”

That’s all fine and good with one exception. Obama takes no responsibility for anything, and when something goes wrong, he blames someone else. When is President Obama going to take responsibility for his failures? When is he going to turn off ESPN and actually start working?

We also know about his Auto Pen. Why would we allow a President to sign legislation that is not even in front of him?

Did you know that Obama’s first use of the AutoPen was to extend the Patriot Act? It’s true. The Patriot Act was one of the issues Obama railed against President George Bush while he was campaigning. He warned about the abuse of this legislation in 2005, but once he took the oath of office, he extended the Patriot Act and he wasn’t even in the same state when it was signed. Oh no, he was off vacationing and simply couldn’t wait for the paperwork to be delivered.

How’s that for irony?

I have to admit that I was completely unaware of Presidential use of ‘Memoranda’ as a way to circumvent Congress. It is similar to Executive Orders and carries similar weight. According to USA Today, Obama has “already signed 33% more presidential memoranda in less than six years than Bush did in eight. He’s also issued 45% more than the last Democratic president, Bill Clinton, who assertively used memoranda to signal what kinds of regulations he wanted federal agencies to adopt.”

Why are we just now hearing about this little factoid?

Why has the media been silent about Obama’s Memoranda? Are they just a bunch of scaredy cats or are they complicit?

Why do We the People allow a President to continue his lawlessness, unchecked and with no accountability?

Does anyone really know what happens from day to day in our nation’s capital?

In the spirit of Obama’s lawlessness we have things like ObamaCare, Amnesty, IRS targeting of conservative groups, Fast and Furious and recess appointments – to name a few. This week a federal judge declared that portions of Obama’s Executive Order for Amnesty, to be unconstitutional.

Obama’s use of Executive Orders is not unconstitutional. What is unconstitutional is the stipulations that he includes in those orders. For example; AMNESTY.

Obama’s Amnesty ‘legislation’ is designed to PROTECT illegal aliens from deportation.

They came here illegally. In doing so, they broke the law.

So what does Obama do? He pens and Executive Order that is designed to protect illegals from deportation. Well, five million of them anyway. Yes, you read that correctly. The President of the United States is protecting law breakers…from the law they broke.

Voters used the power of the ballot in 2010 and again in 2014 to show our dislike for Congress. The Democrats were slaughtered in both elections and now the GOP has the House and the Senate.

But even with Republican control of Congress, there is still no control over Obama.

When will his tool chest be closed and his power removed? Do we seriously have to wait until January 2017?

The Plague of Political Correctness Saturday, Dec 17 2011 

Ladies and Gentlemen, we have reached an all-time high of Stupidity in the realm of political correctness.

I will preface this by stating that our Republic was founded by Christian men that openly prayed, shared their faith and were not afraid to share the gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Daily Caller reports that Congressmen will not be allowed to use the language “Merry Christmas” in any mailings if it comes from the tax coffers.

Even Obama knows that Kwanzaa is a made-up holiday….so….no shout out necessary. He did manage to leave out a greeting for those celebrating the Jewish holiday.

By the way, the digital Christmas greeting‘ from the Obama’s (via twitter) states, “Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, from the Obama family to yours.”

Well isn’t that just the picture of happiness. I wonder, just for the record why the First Lady is not holding the hand of her husband. Just a little insight…because in the other photograph, they aren’t touching either. Maybe it’s just me. I find it odd. But it isn’t relevant.

Hey Congress, your boss found a loophole. He’s a lawyer, so I expect that. I also expect you to go the same route. Use the digital loophole. Take advantage of his cleverness. Make sure your constituents understand that you value your heritage, our proud of your faith and are not ashamed of the gospel.

The strangle hold comes from….whom?

The President who has shown anti-Christian behavior for years, not just since taking the oath of office?

Eric Holder, the guy who runs the AG office, but claims not to know about Fast and Furious? All of his staff plead ignorance as well. Apparently it is politically correct to lie to Congress in order to protect your southern region from the fire of the hot seat…for as long as you can.

Hillary Clinton, the Secretary of State? No way, she’s smarter than that.

WHO, ladies and gentleman has taken it upon themselves to sideswipe the Constitution and hamstring Christian Congressmen and women?

In the past couple of years it has become politically incorrect to acknowledge Christian faith.

Corporations fear it and many will only advertise the pathetic, contrite message of “Happy Holidays”.

Government fears it because it is now politically correct to coddle, caress and soothe enemy combatants, known terrorists and dictators. It is not politically correct to be a Christian, a patriot or American Independent.

Our country has strayed from our moral beliefs and we are traveling a dark road.

It is my hope that a few brave men and women that claim to represent us, will stand up, openly proclaim their faith and be proud of our heritage. If not, I hope they step down from their position and crawl back to the place they came from.

This is not time to be timid. This is no time to fear political correctness.

Note to the DC ‘elect’ – if you allow politically correct egos run your office then don’t cry when the legacy you sought fails to materialize, because you became ‘one if them’.