Barack Obama’s Failed Legacy Friday, Nov 11 2016 

A Legacy of Shame

A 2-year Senator with no other political history was swept into office because of his color. He wasn’t qualified for the job and neither was his temperament. His 2-term presidency began with a world-wide apology tour for America’s history, and it ends with the failure of his signature legislation, ObamaCare. Eight years of failure.

Never in our history has a President deliberately divided the nation. Obama’s rhetoric was anti-America, anti-cop, anti-conservative, anti-family, anti-business, anti-Israel and wholly partisan. He never crossed the aisle to work with Republicans. He never tried to heal the rift that he created. He commented on incidents that happened around the country without having all the details.

When a black youth was killed by a Hispanic in Florida, Obama turned it into racism. When a white cop arrested a black professor in his home, because his behavior was erratic, Obama said, the cop “acted stupidly”. Obama’s tone against police set up hate groups like Black Lives Matter to riot, loot and torch buildings across the country.

The Hope of the Nobel Peace Prize

Obama received the Nobel Peace Award during his first year in office. This untested, unproven President had spent the year traveling the globe apologizing for our history, our wars, racism, and a myriad of other complaints. According to the Nobel Committee, Obama received the award, “for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples. The Committee has attached special importance to Obama’s vision of and work for a world without nuclear weapons.”

The Cracked Relationship with Israel

Obama did not strengthen international diplomacy. He was rude and unstatesmanlike to the Prime Minister of Israel throughout his 8-years in the White House. In fact, Obama’s disdain for Netanyahu was clearly visible and he remained distant and aloof.

Netanyahu believed that Obama would agree with him about the danger of Iran’s nuclear program. Obama did not. Obama stated that he would not require “pre-conditions” in talks with Iran.

Obama was fine with the nuclear program and was much more interested in improving relationships with Arab countries. Obama also wanted a 2-state solution between Israel and the Palestinians, he wanted a complete stop on building new settlements and he wanted to know more about Israel’s nuclear program. This took place over the course of several years, but in each meeting it appeared that Obama cared more about his relationships with Arab countries, and the Palestinians than he did about our only ally in the middle east.

In 2010 Obama gave a speech about Israel and stated that her borders should be based on the 1967 lines. The next day in a joint meeting in the Oval Office, Bibi Netanyahu schooled Obama about the border, the security issues and the danger from their neighbors. A few days later Obama stated that, “since my position has been misrepresented, let me reaffirm what ‘1967 lines with mutually agreed swaps’ means…” His correction, or apology, or clarification was appreciated by Netanyahu, and Bibi’s popularity increased. The relationship between the two men has remained strained.


Obama signed the Affordable Care Act into law in 2009. This was to be the salvation for America’s healthcare crisis. Obama promised that “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor”, and “If you like your insurance, you can keep your insurance.” That wasn’t just a lie, it was slick marketing.

Jonathan Gruber, the architect of ObamaCare stated the, “Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage, and basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical for the thing to pass.”

In a panel discussion, Gruber stated that the law was “written in a tortured way” to avoid a bad score from the Congressional Budget Office. He also declared that voters would have rejected ObamaCare if there were penalties for not having health insurance. Gruber said that, “If CBO scored the mandate as taxes, the bill dies.” He admitted, “If you had a law that made it explicit that healthy people are going to pay in and sick people are going to get subsidies, it would not have passed.”

The penalty for not having health insurance has increased each year for those that either opted out, or could not afford to purchase insurance.

Insurance companies have pulled out of state exchanges because they are losing money. Obama had counted on young, healthy people to purchase insurance and they have not. The only way for ObamaCare to work is for the young and healthy to carry the financial burden that will pay for the very sick.

Democrats declare that insuring 20 million people that didn’t have insurance before ObamaCare makes the program a success. But there are many problems, and one of those is High Deductible High Premium plans. People simply cannot afford them. The 20 million that now have insurance are receiving subsidies, which come from other people’s pockets.

ObamaCare is broken.

Obama should have changed the law to allow insurance companies to compete across state lines. That mandate alone would have lowered the cost of healthcare. But Obama doesn’t like the Free Market, so he punished it.

President-elect Donald Trump plans to repeal and replace ObamaCare.

Breeding Racism

Obama always feels the need to comment on a shooting that involves a black victim. Regardless of that person’s history with the law, guns, assaults or other criminal behavior. Barack Obama has set racism back 50 years. He has given the black community an excuse to behave badly, to destroy neighborhoods, loot, riot and beat people that disagree with them, or are just in the way.

The KnockOut Game

This began under Obama’s administration, and is his to own. Any city, anywhere, blacks would videotape their friends sucker punching a non-black in the head. Some of the victims died.

Barack Obama never once condemned that behavior.

Ferguson, Missouri

Michael Brown was shot and killed on Aug. 9, 2014, by Darren Wilson, a white police officer. The media erupted and claimed that Brown was just an unarmed black teenager. That was not true, but the truth didn’t matter.

Busloads of people were bussed into Ferguson, and the rioting, looting and arson began.

Obama involved the Department of Justice. The DOJ  stated that, ” Wilson’s actions do not constitute prosecutable violations” of federal civil rights. In other words, Darren Wilson shot Michael Brown in self defense.

Charlotte, North Carolina

Keith Lamont Scott, 43 years old was told repeatedly to drop his handgun. Scott refused to follow directions and an officer shot and killed him.

Scott stepped out of his car with a handgun. Police officers instructed him to drop the weapon. Scott failed to comply and was shot by Officer Brentley Vinson.

Officer Vinson is black.

That evening, protesters blocked Interstate 85. They looted semi-trucks and setting the contents on fire.

Black officer. Black ‘victim’.

The following week in Charlotte, ‘protestors’ destroyed police vehicles and 12 officers were injured.

These are just two examples of many, where ‘protestors’ get away with criminal behavior because Barack Obama fails to set an example.

He has not led this nation to peace. He has led this nation backwards, and we all pay the price.

And this man was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

Foreign Policy Disasters

I’ll list a few, but there are many more. In fact, Barack Obama got America involved in more conflicts than any other President in our history.

– Iraq

– Afghanistan

– Benghazi

– Syria

– Crimea

– Iran

– China

Restoring America on the World Stage

There are so many other failures over the last eight years. Obama’s single accomplishment has been to take down America. He has spent trillions of dollars and never passed a single budget.

We may not know for a decade how much he truly spent, and how much aid he gave to our enemies.

Half of America believed that Hillary Clinton would be Obama 2.0. They believed that a woman under FBI investigation was destined to lead – because it was her turn.

Hillary Clinton lost to Donald J. Trump, even though the machines were rigged and the ballots were stuffed by her own people. There is talk that Obama will pardon Hillary before he leaves office. She was not indicted by the FBI, but she was not found innocent. American voters did not forget that she allowed four Americans to be murdered. They did not forget that she sold 20% of uranium assets to Iran. They did not forget her statement about young black men, calling them “Super Predators that should be taught to heal.” They did not forget her ongoing ‘lapse in judgement’ and inability to safeguard classified documents. American voters know that she is a risk to national security.

Hillary Clinton should have taken the high road and stepped aside for Bernie Sanders. But she learned from Bill that even if you get impeached, you don’t have to leave the White House. She thought the Presidency was owed to her. She thought she was going back to the White House. She was wrong and so was our corrupt media.

Make America Great Again

Trump’s singular campaign message was Make America Great Again. Hillary mocked that tagline, but American voters understood, and they were tired of Barack Obama. They were so tired of Obama that many, many Democrats held their nose and voted for Donald Trump. History will prove this to be true. That is what pushed Donald Trump from 270 Electoral Votes to 279. Hillary captured 218 Electoral Votes in a loss that can only be described as an ass whoopin.

Turning the page

Donald Trump is a billionaire. He didn’t get that way by accident. He turned a $1 million loan from his father into billions. He has built businesses around the world and he knows how to get things done. Trump is a Washington outsider, but knows how to work with politicians.

Funny thing happens when business believes in the new leader. The Dow Jones closed at a near record high the day after the Electoral College votes were announced.

Liberals are raging, rioting, beating up Trump voters, trashing cars, setting fires. Doing what brain-dead liberals do best. Have a tantrum when they don’t get their way.

Donald Trump may not be able to reverse the racial divide that Obama so carefully built, but he won’t take any garbage and police will be empowered to deal with criminals. The nonsense will end. The economy will take time to heal. Businesses will begin to spend capital and expand, and hire.

When people have jobs, people are happier.

A lot of people are hoping that Trump fails. Would those same people have the same thoughts if Trump was piloting their plane at 30,000 feet? No. They would not.

May God bless and restore America.




Obama vs. Netanyahu: The Thugocracy and the Statesman Sunday, Jan 25 2015 

Obama’s Never-Ending Tantrum

John Boehner set up a visit for Prime Minister Netanyahu to address Congress two weeks before the elections in Israel. Obama and Valerie Jarrett are so angry that they are taking their toys and going home. As if the game is over. As if they have the final word.

Iran Wants to Nuke Israel

Here’s the real problem. Netanyahu, “will do anything to prevent Iran from directing a nuclear weapon at Israel. I will speak in any place that makes Israel’s voice heard and protects our future and existence”.

Well, damn. It seems that Obama is working his own deal and isn’t bothered if Iran nukes Israel.

Playground Bullies

Some unknown/unnamed White House staffer made the following ‘threatening’ statement, “Netanyahu ought to remember that President Obama has a year and a half left to his presidency, and that there will be a price.”



Are you people in the third grade?

Playground Bullies. Yes that describes the Obama administration perfectly. Playground Bullies.

Israel Means NOTHING to Obama

Obama has taken great pleasure over the past six years in dismissing and disrespecting the only other Democratically held country in the Middle East, and our only ally. As the leader of the free world, Obama has learned no lessons about statesmanship, grace, forgiveness and does not have the emotional capacity to reach across the aisle to ANYONE that disagrees with him.

If Obama doesn’t like something, his office will leak the story to the media and the media will bend over backwards to ensure that he gets the upper hand, whatever it may be, and regardless of the consequences. Regardless of his childish behavior.

The liberal discourse within Obama does not allow him to see outside the box. It does not allow for reason or debate. It’s his way, and only his way. That is true with his relationship with Republicans, voters, media that doesn’t parrot his ideas and world leaders. His emotional intelligence is so thin that it makes him irrational. He will bite off his nose to spite his face. His behavior in this circumstance is trivial, elementary, and just shows his inability – once again, to lead.

The Obama Excuse

Netanyahu’s visit occurs two weeks before his country’s election. Obama is using that as an excuse not to see him. Democrats such as John Huntsman (Former Democratic Utah Gov.) has piled on, claiming that, “It’s bad statecraft, it’s bad politics, and I think it’s going to put a real damper on what traditionally is the head-of-state to head-of-state relationship that governs foreign policy”.

Obama a statesman?

Obama understanding foreign policy?

Huntsman – what are you smoking?

Using the media to pull someone from the past, and not a leading Democrat in the House or Senate is a desperate reach to justify not meeting with Netanyahu.

Obama needs media cover because instead of sanctioning Iran, he’s trying to cut a deal with them. But Senator Robert Menendez (NJ) has spoken up and probably just ended his political career by saying that Obama’s ”talking points sound like they come straight out of Tehran.”

Instead of criticizing the Prime Minister for his planned visit, Obama’s focus is on Iran. He thinks that he’s going to ride in on a white horse and save the day. Obama would do well to take a step back, put on some dignity, spritz himself with humility and work with world leaders instead of working so hard to publicly embarrass them.

This is not the first time that Obama has thrown a ghetto-sized tantrum over Netanyahu and it won’t be the last.

But this is the guy that met with a Youtube nobody, and can’t make time for the Prime Minister of Israel.

Imagine if Obama were that dedicated to fixing problems like a nuclear Iran, a nuclear North Korea, our struggling economy, jobs and American families.

Not this President. Not ever. Dignity is beneath him.

I’m Going to Play Offense Friday, Jan 16 2015 

Said Obama to his weak-kneed audience of luke-warm Democrats. The guy who promised to reach across the aisle in 2014 after his party was shellacked for the second time uses words like air. Inhale. Exhale. Words escape his lips but they have no meaning. Empty-headed, meaningless words.

Now that Republicans control both the House and Senate, Obama is gathering his ever so small army of Democratic compadre’s to wage war on what is left of his Presidency. For a guy that is so anti-war, he sure does pick and choose who he does battle with.

Although he has made promises over the years with Republicans, the truth is that he has never made the effort. He doesn’t even work well within his own party. That’s why he uses the federal pen so much. He believes that Congress (both parties) are a roadblock so he circumvents them with Presidential Memoranda and Executive Orders.

The Democratic process of getting bills passed is too cumbersome and time-consuming for Obama. It’s worked for more than 200 years, but it doesn’t work for socialists.

In an article by Manu Raju, Obama promised to “veto hostile legislation from the GOP-controlled Congress, including an Iran sanctions package on the front-burner of Capitol Hill”.

When did legislation become “hostile”?

Obama is bent on defending his liberal ideology of socialist rule and needs his minion of remaining Democrats to stand with him to prop up his veto vote. This includes sanctions against Iran, because as usual he thinks he’s the smartest guy in the room and can actually negotiate with Iran.

Obama promised that he would not sit on the sidelines for the next two years.

So Obama suddenly has GAME?!

No. Obama has ego and ideology. Not Game.

Obama will spend the next two years vacationing away our tax dollars and using his pen to make deals with shady people and terrorist countries, but he will be on the sidelines.

He’s a lame duck. That’s how it works.

Pre-Conditions and The Spineless Administration Saturday, Sep 26 2009 

Joe Cirincione – President of Ploughshares Fund is a Koolaid drinker, and he’s wearing blinders. He believes that Obama’s response at the G20 to Iran’s President Ahmadinejad is that of a “master strategist… carefully positioning pieces on the board, laying a trap, and springing it at the opportune moment.”

Joe writes beautifully but he writes about fantasy – not fact. He believes that Obama is a deep thinker, and that he “knew” nine months ago about Iran’s secret uranium factory. ‘Knowing’ this about Iran, Cirincione claims, is the very reason Obama extended his hand in friendship to the President of Iran. 

Cirincione states, “The obvious solution is for Iran to agree to intrusive inspections. Let the IAEA inspectors into all sites; give them access to all records; give them access to all scientists. If possible, we want a suspension of the program–both construction and operations.”

Sure…Joe, because ‘intrusive inspections ‘ were was so effective and simple in Iraq when Saddam Hussein was President. Joe really believes it is as straightforward as knocking on the door and being invited in. The state of Iran will not ‘give’ any of these things to the UN or to the US. These ‘things’ will be taken through aggression, not through agreement. I seem to recall the absolute failure of UN Weapons Inspectors and their lack of influence on Saddam Hussein.

Senator Obama made promises during the campaign that he would sit down with Ahmadinejad, without pre-conditions. Obama wishes to sit down with a madman that wants to exterminate the state of Israel by wiping them off the map. As an inexperienced President, Obama still uses words about how to handle Iran – not action. His passivity toward Ahmadinejad can only be perceived as someone that is in agreement about wiping out Israel. The ‘discovery’ of Iran’s nuclear weapons facility just put Obama in ‘check mate’, and the game is over.

The ‘opportune moment’ to deal with this information was nine months ago. However, Obama has become known as a man of no words when there is a real crisis. He will only speak out if he doesn’t have all the facts, and if he can demean someone publicly, and later invite them over for a beer. President Obama is not the first or last President to be lied to by the Iranian government. Iran has lied to the world about plutonium enrichment for the last 20 years. The development of a nuclear arsenal is not a new goal for Ahmadinejad – it is a quest, and Obama does not have the power to slow or stop the progress.

You cannot reason with a man that thinks the Holocaust is a lie. You cannot reason with a man whose mission is to annihilate the Jews from Israel. You cannot reasonably restrict trade into and out of Iran and expect nuclear progress to stop. Trade embargos will only hurt the people of Iran, but will have no affect on Ahmadinejad.

Hillary Clinton wants to apply “crippling sanctions” to the state of Iran. Their economy is in shambles, the people are struggling, and the state is in no position to help them, yet our Secretary of State wants to cause Iranian citizens additional pain? At what cost to the people of Iran, Madame Secretary? At what cost?

Obama thought that direct talks with a terrorist leader would be a good idea. The United States of America does not have such talks. We take action, well we used to take action. However, Obama is dragging out the Iraq War and is paralyzed about next steps for Afghanistan. He spends all his time and effort on a health care plan that nobody wants. AND, he plans to punish those who refuse the government option with a $1,900 fine or jail. This is Obama’s idea of “pre-condition”. The reason he refuses to have pre-condition with Iran is because he lacks a spine.

Where is Obama’s ‘Reaganesque-like’ speech? Where is his threat to Iran? I dare him to say to the President of Iran, “Mr. Ahmadinejad. Tear down your nuclear facilities. Unclench your fist.”

The good news is that Obama is a one-term President. The bad news is that by the time he leaves office, Iran and North Korea’s nuclear programs will have advanced a few steps.

Talking to the President of Iran is not action. The words used involve no structure, no control, no personal cost, no consequence. Obama believes that through sheer charisma, that he can force Ahmadinejad to stop his nuclear program.

If President Obama has known for nine months that Iran was building a nuclear weapons facility and failed to share that information then he is complicit. There should be a consequence for complicit behavior.

Obama’s speech at the UN included this statement, “The United States does Israel no favors when we fail to couple an unwavering commitment to its security with an insistence that Israel respect the legitimate claims and rights of the Palestinians.” Obama is not pro-Israel, but clearly he has an eye out for the Palestinians, and for their ‘safety’. However, the Palestinians allowed the terrorist group Hamas into power, and they are now used as human shields in their own homes, schools and hospitals.

This is what happens when you ‘extend your hand’ to terrorists. This is what happens when there are no pre-conditions.

 The ‘trap’ Cirincione refers to was not laid by Obama. The trap is a sophisticated nuclear program, built by a madman to annihilate the state of Israel, the United States, and many others. Tragically, Cirincione also believes that Obama has now backed Iran into a corner. Iran is not in a corner, and that is either a statement of ignorance or madness. Joe Circincione should step away from the Koolaid.

Failing to meet with pre-conditions is like hand feeding an alligator, and it is careless. At some point, the gator will want to see if the hand is as weak as the dead chicken being dropped into its open mouth. Ahmadinejad, the alligator patiently waits for its next hand-fed meal from Obama.

Ahmadinejad knows that Obama’s extended hand is weak. He knows there is no strength in the arm or in the spine. And he waits.