Pre-Conditions and The Spineless Administration Saturday, Sep 26 2009 

Joe Cirincione – President of Ploughshares Fund is a Koolaid drinker, and he’s wearing blinders. He believes that Obama’s response at the G20 to Iran’s President Ahmadinejad is that of a “master strategist… carefully positioning pieces on the board, laying a trap, and springing it at the opportune moment.”

Joe writes beautifully but he writes about fantasy – not fact. He believes that Obama is a deep thinker, and that he “knew” nine months ago about Iran’s secret uranium factory. ‘Knowing’ this about Iran, Cirincione claims, is the very reason Obama extended his hand in friendship to the President of Iran. 

Cirincione states, “The obvious solution is for Iran to agree to intrusive inspections. Let the IAEA inspectors into all sites; give them access to all records; give them access to all scientists. If possible, we want a suspension of the program–both construction and operations.”

Sure…Joe, because ‘intrusive inspections ‘ were was so effective and simple in Iraq when Saddam Hussein was President. Joe really believes it is as straightforward as knocking on the door and being invited in. The state of Iran will not ‘give’ any of these things to the UN or to the US. These ‘things’ will be taken through aggression, not through agreement. I seem to recall the absolute failure of UN Weapons Inspectors and their lack of influence on Saddam Hussein.

Senator Obama made promises during the campaign that he would sit down with Ahmadinejad, without pre-conditions. Obama wishes to sit down with a madman that wants to exterminate the state of Israel by wiping them off the map. As an inexperienced President, Obama still uses words about how to handle Iran – not action. His passivity toward Ahmadinejad can only be perceived as someone that is in agreement about wiping out Israel. The ‘discovery’ of Iran’s nuclear weapons facility just put Obama in ‘check mate’, and the game is over.

The ‘opportune moment’ to deal with this information was nine months ago. However, Obama has become known as a man of no words when there is a real crisis. He will only speak out if he doesn’t have all the facts, and if he can demean someone publicly, and later invite them over for a beer. President Obama is not the first or last President to be lied to by the Iranian government. Iran has lied to the world about plutonium enrichment for the last 20 years. The development of a nuclear arsenal is not a new goal for Ahmadinejad – it is a quest, and Obama does not have the power to slow or stop the progress.

You cannot reason with a man that thinks the Holocaust is a lie. You cannot reason with a man whose mission is to annihilate the Jews from Israel. You cannot reasonably restrict trade into and out of Iran and expect nuclear progress to stop. Trade embargos will only hurt the people of Iran, but will have no affect on Ahmadinejad.

Hillary Clinton wants to apply “crippling sanctions” to the state of Iran. Their economy is in shambles, the people are struggling, and the state is in no position to help them, yet our Secretary of State wants to cause Iranian citizens additional pain? At what cost to the people of Iran, Madame Secretary? At what cost?

Obama thought that direct talks with a terrorist leader would be a good idea. The United States of America does not have such talks. We take action, well we used to take action. However, Obama is dragging out the Iraq War and is paralyzed about next steps for Afghanistan. He spends all his time and effort on a health care plan that nobody wants. AND, he plans to punish those who refuse the government option with a $1,900 fine or jail. This is Obama’s idea of “pre-condition”. The reason he refuses to have pre-condition with Iran is because he lacks a spine.

Where is Obama’s ‘Reaganesque-like’ speech? Where is his threat to Iran? I dare him to say to the President of Iran, “Mr. Ahmadinejad. Tear down your nuclear facilities. Unclench your fist.”

The good news is that Obama is a one-term President. The bad news is that by the time he leaves office, Iran and North Korea’s nuclear programs will have advanced a few steps.

Talking to the President of Iran is not action. The words used involve no structure, no control, no personal cost, no consequence. Obama believes that through sheer charisma, that he can force Ahmadinejad to stop his nuclear program.

If President Obama has known for nine months that Iran was building a nuclear weapons facility and failed to share that information then he is complicit. There should be a consequence for complicit behavior.

Obama’s speech at the UN included this statement, “The United States does Israel no favors when we fail to couple an unwavering commitment to its security with an insistence that Israel respect the legitimate claims and rights of the Palestinians.” Obama is not pro-Israel, but clearly he has an eye out for the Palestinians, and for their ‘safety’. However, the Palestinians allowed the terrorist group Hamas into power, and they are now used as human shields in their own homes, schools and hospitals.

This is what happens when you ‘extend your hand’ to terrorists. This is what happens when there are no pre-conditions.

 The ‘trap’ Cirincione refers to was not laid by Obama. The trap is a sophisticated nuclear program, built by a madman to annihilate the state of Israel, the United States, and many others. Tragically, Cirincione also believes that Obama has now backed Iran into a corner. Iran is not in a corner, and that is either a statement of ignorance or madness. Joe Circincione should step away from the Koolaid.

Failing to meet with pre-conditions is like hand feeding an alligator, and it is careless. At some point, the gator will want to see if the hand is as weak as the dead chicken being dropped into its open mouth. Ahmadinejad, the alligator patiently waits for its next hand-fed meal from Obama.

Ahmadinejad knows that Obama’s extended hand is weak. He knows there is no strength in the arm or in the spine. And he waits.


Joe Wilson called out President Obama during his address to Congress. Obama claimed that illegal aliens would not receive government health care. Joe Wilson rightly called him on it. Unfortunately, the floor of the House is not the right place or time. Or is it? Joe Wilson did not put on a whit e pointy hood, nor did he don a white coat with a red cross. If he had, then the term ‘racist’ would apply. The term racist does not apply Joe Wilson, to his outburst or o his beliefs. Not today, and not tomorrow – regardless of what the current administration of thugs and thieves would have you believe.

First: An outburst during a Presidential address is (ahem) tasteless. However, Joe Wilson did not throw a shoe at Obama’s head. That story would certainly be more interesting.

Second: Joe Wilson formally apologized to President Obama for the ‘You Lie’ outburst. Story Over.

Third: President Obama accepted the apology, and said, “The time for games is over.”

Fourth: We have bigger problems than chasing Joe Wilson “through the countryside” and intimidating him into another apology.

Jimmy Carter is a liberal. A radical. A man that is absolutely out of touch with America. Jimmy Carter BELIEVES that many White Americans are fearful of Obama because he is black. Jimmy Carter BELIEVES that an ‘OVERWHELMING portion of the demonstrated animosity” toward Obama is because he is African-American.

Alan Wilson, son of Joe Wilson stated that he “won’t comment on former President Carter, because I don’t know President Carter.” Fair enough.

At this point in our history, I would expect Jimmy Carter to be more in touch, more educated, less fearful. Unfortunately, Jimmy Carter comes across as paranoid of black people and thinks everyone else is too. Carter is either clueless or perhaps he is just a pseudo-Obama friend riding shotgun on Fear Mongering Train. What could he possibly hope to achieve by making such outrageous statements?

So Carter is the guy that fears a black man in the White House. The rest of us, fear the policies, not the man. The second thing Jimmy Carter fears is ending up with the long-standing reputation of being ‘America’s Worst President’. That title is yet to be determined.

Hank Johnson (D-GA), in response to Joe Wilson’s “You Lie!” comment in House chambers said this; “We will probably have folks putting on white hoods and white uniforms again, riding through the countryside intimidating people. That’s the logical conclusion if this kind of attitude is not rebuked.”

Is that really a LOGICAL CONCLUSION? Does Johnson really believe there are a bunch of ‘hooded haters’ that are still out to kill black people? I suppose when you have ignorant comments like that, we don’t have to wait for opinion from Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton. Thanks for the favor, Mr. Johnson.

Since when is an apology not good enough? Isn’t this really just the perfect excuse to get black Congressmen and women on film, just to bring up the past? Isn’t this really about creating and maintaining a smoke screen so we, the voters – can’t stay up with what really happens behind closed doors? America has made great strides against racism, and for acceptance and tolerance. Why do people want to keep the past alive? If we have changed, why haven’t they?

If white America is afraid of a black President, who voted for him – just blacks? Not so.

If white America is putting on white hoods and white uniforms – where are they? Surely mainstream media would post photos of these incidents. And surely, they would call people out by name.

If white America is riding through the countryside, intimidating people – where are they?

Where is the outcry about the name calling and fear mongering that comes directly from the White House? There is an ongoing hate message against Republicans, Independents, veterans, patriots and anyone else that opposes current White House policy. The message of hate and fear is propagated by Obama, Pelosi, and other Democrats. It seems like every week they have a new name for people that voted for the other party.

Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi calls those in opposition to policy (not the President) – Astroturf, mobsters, teabaggers (a homosexual act – unrelated to the political movement) and yes, even RACISTS. Is that the type of Decorum and Civility the Democratic Party seeks? If it’s ok in front of the cameras – why place limits on the floor of the House?

If the President of the United States gets caught on mic saying that Kanye West is a JACKASS, why would we give them anything other than what they dish out?

Where there is no substance, there is name calling.

Where there is no policy, there is a constant smoke screen.

Where there is no leadership, there can only be failure.

No comment from Al Sharpton? Silence from Jesse Jackson? Interesting.

Six days after the infamous “YOU LIE” claim by Joe Wilson, Americans have donated nearly $2 MILLION to his campaign. Clearly people are more interested in what he has to say than anything coming out of the White House.

So, I’m wondering this – when can we expect DECORUM AND CIVILITY from Obama & Co.?

ACORN has STANDARDS? Thursday, Sep 10 2009 

ACORN fired two employees today for encouraging a couple that posed as a “pimp and a prostitute” in their quest to obtain housing for prostitution, evade taxes and to hide and sell underage illegal girls for sex.

There is no question that these employees should be fired.


During the ‘interview’, the door remained open, children could be heard crying in the background, and none of the ‘advice’ was kept on the down low. ACORN employees went out of their way to get around the law and to help this couple; get a house, file an illegal tax return, come up with a ‘creative profession’, and help them hide 10 of 13 illegal underage girls that would be used in prostitution. Three of the girls would be claimed on a tax return.


Is it their standard to promote the rape of children?

Is it their standard to encourage illegal activity?

Is it their standard to assist in filing illegal returns?





The un-edited video of this conversation can be found at

According to their website, ACORN — the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now — claims that they are “working together for social justice and stronger communities.”


Is the social promotion of human slavery and prostitution a new standard, a low standard, or just an old standard?

Is it only ‘gotcha journalism’ because now we know their standards, and they have been exposed?

A 21st Century Lynch Mob Tuesday, Sep 8 2009 

David Sirota of Open Left calls Glenn Beck a Political Terrorist. If that were true, what is the real title for Barack Obama? Is he just passively involved in domestic terrorism? Remember Obama using words like ‘catastrophe’, ‘profound economic emergency’, ‘worst economic crisis’ and ‘vicious cycle’? This passive form of terrorism was used against Americans in order to create fear about the economy.

Create a crisis while you plunder the Treasury. Manage, control and dumb down the media. Pray that no one recognizes that the words issued by a teleprompter and spoken by the President are actually forms of terrorism. I’m sure Sirota doesn’t see it this way.

Does Siroto understand the meaning of the word terrorist, or does he just like to use big scary words? If Bill Ayers (known domestic terrorist) and attempted cop killer is a TERRORIST – how does Glenn Beck fit into that category?

Is it by definition – someone that causes a change in direction? Is Beck Terrorism caused by fear tactics or by information? Is Beck truly responsible for the speeches given by Van Jones?

Van Jones fell from public grace when he was outed in the media by Terrorist Beck. State run media didn’t bring up or share the information. If there is truth in media then why does the left leave the truth to Beck? Sirota states this is a media-manufactured controversy. That is only partly true. YouTube is a valid form of media, and real people posted real video about Van Jones making real comments that were racist in nature. Van Jones really did blame white polluters for poisoning black communities. Van Jones really did sign a ‘Truther Petition’ because evidently he really believed that Bush had something to do with the attack on 9/11.

David Sirota lied about ‘how’ Jones left the position of Green Czar. He states in his article that Jones was fired. The White House reports that Jones resigned. How does Open Left get this wrong too? Do they believe everything they print, and hope that everyone else will as well? Open Left states that Obama is “inherently cautious – and, at times, frightened – politician.” Are they making this up as well? It is not complimentary, nor is it a positive reflection on Obama. This is a bigger attack on Obama than anything Beck has commented on.

Why hasn’t mainstream media picked up the mantra of a ‘cowardly President’ and tie into this theme of calling Obama a ‘frightened politician’? The article states, “White House officials answer more to Glenn Beck, Blue Dogs and Republicans than it does to progressive members of Congress and the progressive base of the Democratic Party that got them into the White House in the first place.”

If Team Left had a clear understanding of why Obama is beginning to cave to Conservatives, they would understand that mid-term elections are just around the corner. They would also understand that if Obama doesn’t give up some political real estate that many Democratic seats will be lost in 2010.

Sirota states “Progressives don’t just “believe” they deserve a seat at the table – we actually do deserve that seat, not just because we worked to elect this president, but because our stance on major issues like the public option, climate change, Wall Street reform and the war are the majoritarian positions in America. That’s not speculation – polls show that’s an empirical fact.”

It would appear that Sirota and progressives like him are feeling left out. Obama hasn’t invited them to the table, because Obama doesn’t care about them. Progressives may feel like they got Obama elected and that they DESERVE payback, and they may truly feel like they have the country’s best interests at heart. The problem is, that is not the truth, and that is not how the country feels, and Obama – well he could care less about any of it.

Sirota is clearly tired of, “kissing the White House’s ass”. That is his quote, not mine.