David Sirota of Open Left calls Glenn Beck a Political Terrorist. If that were true, what is the real title for Barack Obama? Is he just passively involved in domestic terrorism? Remember Obama using words like ‘catastrophe’, ‘profound economic emergency’, ‘worst economic crisis’ and ‘vicious cycle’? This passive form of terrorism was used against Americans in order to create fear about the economy.

Create a crisis while you plunder the Treasury. Manage, control and dumb down the media. Pray that no one recognizes that the words issued by a teleprompter and spoken by the President are actually forms of terrorism. I’m sure Sirota doesn’t see it this way.

Does Siroto understand the meaning of the word terrorist, or does he just like to use big scary words? If Bill Ayers (known domestic terrorist) and attempted cop killer is a TERRORIST – how does Glenn Beck fit into that category?

Is it by definition – someone that causes a change in direction? Is Beck Terrorism caused by fear tactics or by information? Is Beck truly responsible for the speeches given by Van Jones?

Van Jones fell from public grace when he was outed in the media by Terrorist Beck. State run media didn’t bring up or share the information. If there is truth in media then why does the left leave the truth to Beck? Sirota states this is a media-manufactured controversy. That is only partly true. YouTube is a valid form of media, and real people posted real video about Van Jones making real comments that were racist in nature. Van Jones really did blame white polluters for poisoning black communities. Van Jones really did sign a ‘Truther Petition’ because evidently he really believed that Bush had something to do with the attack on 9/11.

David Sirota lied about ‘how’ Jones left the position of Green Czar. He states in his article that Jones was fired. The White House reports that Jones resigned. How does Open Left get this wrong too? Do they believe everything they print, and hope that everyone else will as well? Open Left states that Obama is “inherently cautious – and, at times, frightened – politician.” Are they making this up as well? It is not complimentary, nor is it a positive reflection on Obama. This is a bigger attack on Obama than anything Beck has commented on.

Why hasn’t mainstream media picked up the mantra of a ‘cowardly President’ and tie into this theme of calling Obama a ‘frightened politician’? The article states, “White House officials answer more to Glenn Beck, Blue Dogs and Republicans than it does to progressive members of Congress and the progressive base of the Democratic Party that got them into the White House in the first place.”

If Team Left had a clear understanding of why Obama is beginning to cave to Conservatives, they would understand that mid-term elections are just around the corner. They would also understand that if Obama doesn’t give up some political real estate that many Democratic seats will be lost in 2010.

Sirota states “Progressives don’t just “believe” they deserve a seat at the table – we actually do deserve that seat, not just because we worked to elect this president, but because our stance on major issues like the public option, climate change, Wall Street reform and the war are the majoritarian positions in America. That’s not speculation – polls show that’s an empirical fact.”

It would appear that Sirota and progressives like him are feeling left out. Obama hasn’t invited them to the table, because Obama doesn’t care about them. Progressives may feel like they got Obama elected and that they DESERVE payback, and they may truly feel like they have the country’s best interests at heart. The problem is, that is not the truth, and that is not how the country feels, and Obama – well he could care less about any of it.

Sirota is clearly tired of, “kissing the White House’s ass”. That is his quote, not mine.