I’m Going to Play Offense Friday, Jan 16 2015 

Said Obama to his weak-kneed audience of luke-warm Democrats. The guy who promised to reach across the aisle in 2014 after his party was shellacked for the second time uses words like air. Inhale. Exhale. Words escape his lips but they have no meaning. Empty-headed, meaningless words.

Now that Republicans control both the House and Senate, Obama is gathering his ever so small army of Democratic compadre’s to wage war on what is left of his Presidency. For a guy that is so anti-war, he sure does pick and choose who he does battle with.

Although he has made promises over the years with Republicans, the truth is that he has never made the effort. He doesn’t even work well within his own party. That’s why he uses the federal pen so much. He believes that Congress (both parties) are a roadblock so he circumvents them with Presidential Memoranda and Executive Orders.

The Democratic process of getting bills passed is too cumbersome and time-consuming for Obama. It’s worked for more than 200 years, but it doesn’t work for socialists.

In an article by Manu Raju, Obama promised to “veto hostile legislation from the GOP-controlled Congress, including an Iran sanctions package on the front-burner of Capitol Hill”.

When did legislation become “hostile”?

Obama is bent on defending his liberal ideology of socialist rule and needs his minion of remaining Democrats to stand with him to prop up his veto vote. This includes sanctions against Iran, because as usual he thinks he’s the smartest guy in the room and can actually negotiate with Iran.

Obama promised that he would not sit on the sidelines for the next two years.

So Obama suddenly has GAME?!

No. Obama has ego and ideology. Not Game.

Obama will spend the next two years vacationing away our tax dollars and using his pen to make deals with shady people and terrorist countries, but he will be on the sidelines.

He’s a lame duck. That’s how it works.

Mandatory Paid Leave: Another Obama Freebie Wednesday, Jan 14 2015 

Obama’s lack of business experience has once again reared its ugly head. In a Linkedin announcement by Valerie Jarrett, Obama now wants employers to provide “paid sick leave and sick days to all working families”.  The administration is calling this latest attack on employers, the Healthy Families Act.

This stroke of the federal pen via Presidential Memoranda will mandate that employers provide up to seven days per year of paid sick time.

Why seven days?
Why not fourteen days?
Why stop there?

It’s even better for federal employees. They will get six weeks of paid leave when a new child enters the family.

Why are benefits for federal employees nearly 10 times as long as people in the private sector?

Of course, this latest backstabbing move is done in the name of the 43 million “private sector workers” that currently don’t have this type of benefit. Jarrett claims that voters in a bipartisan effort support Obama’s liberal policies and she blames the “fundamental structure of our workplaces” for not keeping pace with America’s changing families.

Changing families. Let’s check the FACTS.

  • The real number of unemployed Americans is Over 90 Million.
  • The real number of Americans on Food Stamps exceeds 46 MILLION.


  • They are more poor under Obama
  • They have less in savings
  • Wages are stagnant
  • Consumer prices have not decreased

While our government and our media lie about the real numbers, American families know better.

Business owners know better.

Will paid leave benefit employees? Yes, of course. 100%. But these are FORCED BENEFITS.

Valerie Jarrett claims that. “Fixing that won’t just make life better for millions of American families. It will ultimately improve the financial bottom lines of the companies that choose to step up and make a change on their own – which is precisely why this news is breaking first on LinkedIn.”

It will not improve the bottom line for companies. They now have the added cost of benefits for every employee, whether or not their bottom line can afford it. This is a killer for small businesses, but killing business is what Obama does best.

She also claims, “The President intends to ensure that the federal government is a model employer. We’ll have the most-skilled and productive workforce possible as a result’.

Since WHEN has the federal government EVER served as a MODEL EMPLOYER?

Hey Valerie, female staffers in the White House still make less money than their male counterparts. You might want to recheck your Model, and then shut your face.

Another Inappropriate Obama Response Thursday, Jan 8 2015 

Barack Obama’s statement regarding the murderous attack on Charlie Hebdo headquarters in France is as weak and pathetic as the last six years of his leadership.

He did not:

– Condemn the attackers. He simply called them cowardly and evil.

– He did not call them what they are, Islamic Extremists.

– He did not condemn Islam or any Muslim group.

– He did not mention the War on Terror.

– He failed to mention that they claimed to be “Al Quaeda from Yemen”

– He failed to mention that this murderous attack was over satirical cartoons.

Obama’s weak-kneed condolences

Compare Obama’s weak words to those of Netanyahu’s response.

Benjamin Netanyahu, the PM of Israel called this a, “brutal act of savagery” and “the response has to be international”. He also stated, “We can defeat this tyranny that seeks to extinguish all our freedoms“.


1-10-15 Update: I came across a video on Allen West’s site today and this video of the President President el-Sisi of Egypt. The audience consisted of a Grand Sheik, clerics and Imam’s – basically the ‘religious leadership’ for Islam. The Egyptian President put these men on notice. Regarding the radical ideology of Islam versus the faith of the Muslim religion, he said, “”You must oppose it (the radical Islamic beliefs) with resolve”.

The President of Egypt looked straight at the Grand Sheik and told him that the people are waiting to hear from him. He said, the “ideology” of Islam no longer meets the “religious beliefs” and that they MUST separate the two. He also told the Sheik, “You bear responsibility before Allah” and that the “Islamic nation is headed to perdition”.

This not only took tremendous courage but is the sign of true leadership. The President of Egypt understands that the bloodbath, the killings, the intolerance have taken over the Muslim faith and the radicalization must stop. He is 100% right.

The War on Terror is not over. At least not for America, as Obama claimed years ago.

The War on Terror is coming to our shores and he has done nothing to stop it. Barack Obama worries about satirical cartoons that he calls “deeply offensive”.

Mr. President, the cold-blooded murder of 12 people by hooded and armed gunmen is deeply offensive.

Stéphane Charbonnier, or “Charb” editor of Charlie Hebdo stated that he would, “Prefer to die standing up than live on my knees”. And he did.

Mr. President, the men that murdered 12 people yesterday are cowards, and so is your response. We need for you to take the same brave stance that the President of Egypt has taken and stand up against the ideology of hatred, religious intolerance, cultural intolerance and most of all, Sharia Law.


Things to Consider Before You Buy a Gun Friday, May 10 2013 

This isn’t about muskets


The argument for owning guns, much less carrying them is the center of our news today. The argument against is because some people are afraid of guns and even more afraid of people that legally own them. The argument for owning guns is clearly backed by the Second Amendment of the Constitution. There is no argument that it is a ‘right of the people’.

“A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.”

This article is not to debate the Constitution or provoke challenge. The purpose of this is to help educate people about some of the things to consider before they purchase a handgun for self defense. There are many different things to consider and one of the first is gun safety and training.

Shield Yourself

What Difference Does it Make?

It is important to understand the laws of your state and to know what is expected of people that ‘carry’. Some states are open carry, but states like Texas are concealed carry.

Concealed carry is exactly what it sounds like. You are not allowed to expose your weapon, not even accidentally.

Conceal Carry2

The point is that no one should know that you are carrying. If you get caught ‘showing’ also referred to as ‘brandishing’, there can be tremendous consequences. In Texas, residents may carry a weapon in their car due to the Castle Law. This law basically claims that your vehicle is also your domicile and you have the right to protect yourself. However, the weapon may not at any time be visible to anyone. This law refers to the person that owns the vehicle, not to anyone else in the vehicle.

Open carry means a weapon can be displayed openly on your person. People see it, and they know that you are armed. There are probably fewer questions.

Open Carry

Gun laws vary from state to state. If you have a license to carry, you need to know what the laws are ‘if and when’ you cross the state line. Open carry in one state may be illegal in another state. The same is true for concealed carry.  I took my CHL class at Spring Guns and Ammo in Houston and was surprised about all the legalities and critical things to remember.

Types of handguns

A .38 caliber revolver holds 5-6 rounds of ammunition and is very easy to load and shoot.


This weapon does not have much of a kick, so it is not intimidating for a first-time shooter. I prefer to carry a larger caliber .9mm for a couple of reasons. It is a slightly heavier round, and the magazine carries more rounds than a revolver.

A .9mm handgun can hold between 10-16 rounds depending on the model.

Taurus 9mm

Some magazines hold 16 rounds, and there are extended magazines which hold up to 30 rounds. Most gun ranges will not allow shooters to load and shoot an extended magazine, so a single stack of 10 rounds, or a double stack magazine that holds up to 16 is ideal. This is a larger caliber handgun and does have a slightly harder recoil than a .38 special, but is very easy to control.

A .45 caliber handgun is larger than the .9mm and has a stronger recoil.

.45 SandW

This weapon is fairly heavy to carry on your hip, but depending on your physicality it may be no problem. However, a .45 is larger and has more bulk than a .38 or a .9mm, so concealing it in a conceal carry statement might be a problem. But it really just comes down to preference.

US Manufacturers

The United States has several companies that manufacture handguns which  include: Smith and Wesson, Colt, Taurus, Ruger, Springfield and Beretta. These companies have been around for generations and are beloved by gun owners in the same way that people love their sports car or fancy watch.

Once you start shooting, you will likely find a preference between a revolver and a semi-automatic handgun. Each type of handgun has advantages, so it comes down to what you are most comfortable with in the long run.

Owning a gun and carrying on your person bring tremendous responsibility. In order to obtain a CHL – Concealed Handgun License or Open Carry, you will have to take a federally-mandated course. You will take a shooting test and also a written test. The training for CHL in Texas is a 10-hour course and is almost entirely about the law. It is enlightening and truly sends the message that ‘you better know what you are doing’ if you plan to carry a firearm.

Carry in Your Comfort Zone

Carrying a gun and concealing it depends somewhat on your physical build as well as your comfort level. There are a variety of holsters for your weapon of choice. Holsters can be worn outside the pants, but covered with a shirt. There are also holsters designed to be worn inside the waistband (IWB). It may require a larger size of pants, but that is up to you.


Compression clothing has been developed for men and women with built in areas for carrying. There are even holsters that hang from your bra and actually do conceal very well, but again – it depends on your physical build.

There are purses that are designed with special compartments for concealed carry. Carrying your gun along with the contents of your purse may cause an unexpected misfire. Don’t get shot by a tube of lipstick. Yes, it can happen. There are also fanny packs designed for concealed carry.

The one place you don’t want to carry is in your waistband. Imagine for a moment where the barrel is pointed, and reconsider. Unfortunate accidents do happen, and a few men have lost ‘body parts’ due to proximity.

There is a lot to consider when deciding to purchase a handgun. Understanding the responsibility of gun ownership and practicing safety are critical aspects of having ‘uninfringed rights’.

ExtraJudicial Murder: Killing Americans with Drones Tuesday, Feb 5 2013 

Government Sponsored Murder

Government Sponsored Murder

No trial. No jury. No sentencing.
No 911 call for help. Not necessary.
No emergency personnel on standby.

No unnecessary use of SWAT Teams or other coordinated and highly trained personnel.
Nope. Not for you America.

Your PRESIDENT and the Department of InJustice have determined that they can pick and choose who they get to murder.

Yes America, we are living under a THUGOCRACY.
We are in an area where states rights mean nothing.
Your liberty means even less.
You and your family can now be legally murdered by our government.

Does our government make mistakes? (Ruby Ridge, David Koresh)

Is our government competent? (Amtrack, Post Office, IRS – all failed agencies)

According to the InJustice Department, ““The condition that an operational leader present an ‘imminent’ threat of violent attack against the United States does not require the United States to have clear evidence that a specific attack on U.S. persons and interests will take place in the immediate future,”

Did you get that America?!
They don’t need CLEAR EVIDENCE!

“In addition to the suspect being an imminent threat, capture of the target must be “infeasible, and the strike must be conducted according to “law of war principles.”


So, no paperwork. The families will be left with a THUGOCRACY that will not offer an explanation.

But you can bet that Obama will show up for a photo opp at your funeral.

And, he will brag about killing you.

Hoodwinked by the Media Friday, Mar 30 2012 

In case you live under a rock. No, in case you listen to MSM – Main Stream Media I have a little news for you. A black teenager was shot and killed in Florida on February 26. If this had been a black-on-black crime it would never have made the news, much less become a story that enrages people.

The premise of what the media reported for the first week is that a neighborhood watchman, George Zimmerman noticed the teen. It was night time and the teenager was walking in between houses. The kid approached Zimmerman, who had already contacted the police department about suspicious behavior.

According to Lame Stream Media, you would think that George Zimmerman must have been foaming at the mouth and chased this kid down and shot him in cold blood and then danced on his body. It isn’t true, but that’s probably as much as you know because that is as much as they had reported. Until now.

The ususal race-baiting suspects have entered the picture and are calling for justice. Street justice. The New Black Panther Party has waved a WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE poster in front of every reporter and camera they could possibly find. This group has not been investigated by the Justice Department, even though the content of their poster is a felony.

Spike Lee posted George Zimmerman’s home address on twitter. Spike tweeted the wrong address. and the people that live there are now hiding in a hotel. They happen to be elderly with health conditions, but that isn’t a concern for those that are demanding Street Justice. Spike Lee has already been sued and will pay an undisclosed sum of money for this stunt.

What exactly did Spike Lee hope to gain by jumping into something he knew nothing about?

Did someone put him up to posting the tweet?

Why the rush to judgment? What is the payoff?

It is ILLEGAL to offer money for the kidnapping or MURDER of another person.


Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson continue to disappoint me. These two only show up when they miss the media and when the opportunity suits them. The reason that Sharpton, Jackson, Lee and other thugs want Zimmerman dead is because he was not arrested.

The information these people are withholding from you:

– Martin attacked Zimmerman and broke his nose. He also repeatedly bashed Zimmerman’s head into the pavement. This has been corroborated and verified by a witness that was brave enough to come forward

– Trayvon Martin was no angel, but the media showed a sweet image of him from four years ago.

  • He has been suspended from school three times recently.
  • One of those suspensions was due to possession of drug paraphernalia
  • His mother has trademarked Justice for Trayvon” and “I Am Trayvon.so that if someone uses one of those quotes, they have to pay her for the right.
    • I would like to know the name of the slime ball lawyer that talked her into doing that.
    • Profiting off her son’s death makes me sick to my stomach.

– George Zimmerman is Hispanic, but the media and ongoing race baiting call him white.

– If Zimmerman was attacked, he had a right to defend himself.

But that doesn’t make the news. Lame Stream Media continues to give press time to people that ought to know better. But neither side cares about the truth.

The media wins if a race war gets started, and they are hoping for glorious footage and carnage. The kind they stirred up in the days of Rodney King.

Jackson and Sharpton want to win because they want to perpetuate the stereotype of hate that existed a long time ago in this country.

The Plague of Political Correctness Saturday, Dec 17 2011 

Ladies and Gentlemen, we have reached an all-time high of Stupidity in the realm of political correctness.

I will preface this by stating that our Republic was founded by Christian men that openly prayed, shared their faith and were not afraid to share the gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Daily Caller reports that Congressmen will not be allowed to use the language “Merry Christmas” in any mailings if it comes from the tax coffers.

Even Obama knows that Kwanzaa is a made-up holiday….so….no shout out necessary. He did manage to leave out a greeting for those celebrating the Jewish holiday.

By the way, the digital Christmas greeting‘ from the Obama’s (via twitter) states, “Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, from the Obama family to yours.”

Well isn’t that just the picture of happiness. I wonder, just for the record why the First Lady is not holding the hand of her husband. Just a little insight…because in the other photograph, they aren’t touching either. Maybe it’s just me. I find it odd. But it isn’t relevant.

Hey Congress, your boss found a loophole. He’s a lawyer, so I expect that. I also expect you to go the same route. Use the digital loophole. Take advantage of his cleverness. Make sure your constituents understand that you value your heritage, our proud of your faith and are not ashamed of the gospel.

The strangle hold comes from….whom?

The President who has shown anti-Christian behavior for years, not just since taking the oath of office?

Eric Holder, the guy who runs the AG office, but claims not to know about Fast and Furious? All of his staff plead ignorance as well. Apparently it is politically correct to lie to Congress in order to protect your southern region from the fire of the hot seat…for as long as you can.

Hillary Clinton, the Secretary of State? No way, she’s smarter than that.

WHO, ladies and gentleman has taken it upon themselves to sideswipe the Constitution and hamstring Christian Congressmen and women?

In the past couple of years it has become politically incorrect to acknowledge Christian faith.

Corporations fear it and many will only advertise the pathetic, contrite message of “Happy Holidays”.

Government fears it because it is now politically correct to coddle, caress and soothe enemy combatants, known terrorists and dictators. It is not politically correct to be a Christian, a patriot or American Independent.

Our country has strayed from our moral beliefs and we are traveling a dark road.

It is my hope that a few brave men and women that claim to represent us, will stand up, openly proclaim their faith and be proud of our heritage. If not, I hope they step down from their position and crawl back to the place they came from.

This is not time to be timid. This is no time to fear political correctness.

Note to the DC ‘elect’ – if you allow politically correct egos run your office then don’t cry when the legacy you sought fails to materialize, because you became ‘one if them’.

The Premise of a Promise: The ‘Friendship Ring’ Friday, Dec 16 2011 

Oh my dear friend, you know how much I love you. We have been friends for more than 20 years. I know how much you need company. I understand that you need another significant other. I know that you are lonely. I wish you understood though that you are not desperate.

I beg you to go slow with Man #3. Let me meet him. Let me find out his true character. I fear that you are moving and not thinking. Dancing and not touching the floor. Breathing without air. Please slow down.

We have been here before my friend. Eight or nine years ago, you began dating Man # 2 who very quickly gave you a promise ring. I didn’t understand it then and I fail to understand it now.

You hadn’t been divorced for very long – less than two years. The man you divorced (Man # 1) was a psycho.

He beat you, went to church with you twice a week, hurt you, slept around, minimized you and one day you were strong enough to say, “no more” and you ended the marriage. He didn’t deserve you. You were a better wife than most and you tolerated too much. He never so much as bought you gifts for your birthday or Christmas.

He was and is a son-of-a-bitch.

Man #2 – your second husband was significantly older and he was a widow. He charmed you as you dated, made you feel good about yourself, said nice things, bought you sweet gifts and asked you to marry him. It wasn’t long before you were wearing a Promise Ring.

I thought it was too soon. I thought you were moving too fast. I hadn’t even met him. I begged you to slow down, I begged you not to marry him, but you did.

I wasn’t even invited to the wedding. I forgive you for that. Not inviting me was the right thing to do. I could not have blessed you or him or the event. It wasn’t right.

Soon after your marriage, six months as I recall Man #2 was stricken with cancer. You nursed him through it. You treated his rotting flesh as diabetes took hold. You were so kind and he became a beast. He struggled with losing himself, his dignity and his ability to be a provider. He lost his manhood, his spirit and any likeability he may have ever once had.

Two years of dialysis treatments stole your spirit. You chauffeured him back and forth to treatments, doctor appointments and specialists. Seven years into your marriage he succumbed to a stroke. It was something we expected. It came as a relief to you.

Two years later you met Man #3. I only found out about him six weeks ago. You met him at church. He came on strong. Too strong. He sent you stalker-like text messages. You read them to me. I told you to stay away from him.

You called me this week and told me that you “had misjudged him”, and you were giddy. That worried me. I asked you to go slow and not rush into anything, that’s when you told me about the PROMISE RING. My friend, I love you but my heart sunk. You didn’t want advice, you didn’t want me to say anything. You just said, “Be happy for me”. I want to, I really do.

You have been dating Man #3 for two weeks and he gave you a ring. You are moving out of state this month. WHY would you accept this gift? Why would you agree to wear this man’s ring? He is staking his claim. He is taking you off the market. You should be dating more than one man.

All I see are Red Flags.

I want to be excited for you, but more than that I want you to be happy.

My friend, there was a time when you said that I owned the Red Flag Company.  Back in the days when my marriage went south and I was too afraid to admit that to myself. I was too afraid of losing everything, afraid of being alone, afraid of what people would say.

I don’t like Red Flags and I’m not giving you keys to the damn company.

Give him back the Promise Ring. Take care of yourself. It’s time for you to start over with no premise and no promises from anyone else. You can do this.

Phony ‘EXPERTS’ – The Irony of Interviewing Wednesday, Dec 14 2011 

I am actively looking for a new job. That said, so are 11 million other people. My background includes implementing and managing email marketing, internet marketing and direct mail for retail and franchise operations. I have managed nationwide contests, loyalty marketing, mobile marketing, social media and web analytics.

The job market blows, but worse than that is interviewing with people that aren’t playing with a full deck, are unable to define what they really want or need, and don’t have the skills or background that I have.

My resume speaks for itself and I can back up my accomplishments. Unfortunately, some ‘managers’ are threatened by this, and my last boss was so threatened that he terminated me. My co-workers warned me that the job was a ‘revolving door’ and none of the prior three people in that position had lasted three months. I lasted four months. I’ve been unemployed now for six.

I interviewed recently with a Fortune 500 retailer that is nearing its 100th anniversary. The Job Description listed the following requirements:

” This person will manage all aspects of email communications to customers and prospects. This includes planning campaigns/streams, targeting recipients, managing available offers, developing profiles, testing, creative oversight,backend analysis and applied learning. In addition, this person will be actively involved in creating promotions to drive the collections of new email addresses. “

They also required:

• Bachelor’s degree required
• At least 3 yrs of email marketing experience
• Strong quantitative/analytical abilities
• Strong understanding of email marketing operations
• Extremely well-organized
• Excellent project manager skills and high attention to detail

I meet all the requirements for this job and was excited about the interview, anticipating a 30+ mile, one-way commute and proving why I am the right person for this position and for this company.

However, after meeting with two different managers over a 2-hour time period I had discovered some ‘fantasy language’ in the Job Description’. It became immediately clear that although they were expecting this position to segment lists, test emails and provide executive-level reporting, that they were not doing any of those things.

Big sigh. Neither one of the managers could clearly define the role and they mentioned that it may expand. That’s fine, I’m always up for a challenge and look forward to new opportunities. And that’s the great thing about marketing. Trends change, technologies evolve, customers expect new ways to engage with the brand and it’s a fantastic way to move forward with a company.

Both managers admitted that they were not sending targeted messages to specific or relevant customers or prospects. They also admitted with some embarrassment that they were not testing anything within these emails, not the subject line, creative, messaging, personalization…Nothing. They also admitted that although back-end analysis was critical that this was another area that was not being either tracked or reported.

I asked direct questions about the job and about their expectations throughout the interviews. I could tell there were pain points on some of the questions. For example; I asked, “What does ABC Co. want to be known for today?” And, “Does your customer recognize the company ‘voice’? Neither manager could answer either question. Note to self: They haven’t thought that far ahead, and you just embarrassed them.

The interview went well but was disappointing because it was a ‘fantasy list’, not reality and they didn’t know what they really wanted. I sent professional thank you notes the following day.

Lo and behold the day following the interview, I received a non-reply email from their recruiter that they had selected someone with a stronger background. I found that interesting because both managers told me that they were surprised to find someone with my background and experience. As of that day, they had not interviewed any other candidates that met all the requirements.

I neither believe that they selected and made an offer to another candidate the same day as my interview. However, I’m not ready to waste my time with a company that doesn’t have a defined marketing strategy, or work with managers that brag about poor customer service in their retail stores. I also don’t want to drive 66 miles a day to a job that I would end up regretting.

I am thankful for the interview. I am also grateful that I saw through the smoke before the mirrors got dirty.

The Application of Theory v Reality: Relationships Tuesday, Dec 6 2011 

As people, we are emotional beings. As a higher species we are also arrogant, self important sons of bitches and can screw up a good thing at a moments notice.

My personality is such that I am a ‘fixer’ and a ‘rescuer’. If something is broken and I can do something to make it work, I’m going to jump in and get my hands dirty. If there is someone that needs to be rescued, I’m the go-to. I root for the underdog, would abandon caution to save a child from being harmed, and am hell bent on resolution.

The problem is that not everyone wants to be ‘fixed’. They are happy living a secret life and they don’t want my help. One person in particular is quite scurrilous and his real friends have never seen his dark side. I really want to help this person, but don’t have the ‘head knowledge’ or foresight on where to begin. I really want to rescue him from himself.

I am hard headed. I know this. But when something is bothering someone close to me (ahem…spouse) and that person will not respond or accept help, it makes me dig in.

And this is where the problem really lives.

I know that I need a softer approach. I know that whatever the situation involves, it does not need a shiny coat of silver. I know that at a certain point, I need to back off.

The problem with theory versus reality is not a lack of empathy on my part, the problem is with the other person being intellectually dishonest and avoiding ‘having the conversation’.

It isn’t always easy but if a relationship is to survive then both parties need to apply common sense, ignore emotion and actually listen to the other person.

In theory, the other person will want to make the same type of positive moves forward.

In reality, if the other person is hiding something, the relationship is stalled and cannot move forward until they allow honesty and humility into the picture.

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