FORWARD! Has Taken America Backward Sunday, Nov 20 2016 

I started this blog in 2009 at a time when our domestic and foreign policies were all headed in the wrong direction. The Democratic campaign slogan, Hope and Change changed liberals into mindless Zombies and they cheerfully digested everything the Obama campaign told the media, and if you disagreed – there would be hell to pay.

The media was still legitimate before Obama was nominated by the Democratic National Committee, and journalism was still an honorable trade. However, journalists quickly learned that if they asked Obama something he didn’t want to hear or respond to, that they were banned from future interviews, banned from the White House and banned from Air Force One. 

Journalism died in 2008 and “reporters” also learned to digest Obama’s talking points and repeat them to the masses. Failure to do so, ensured a short career in any type of news media.

Following Obama’s nomination in 2008, he gave a speech that became the bread, butter and steak for liberals. He said, “I am absolutely certain that generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs to the jobless; this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal; this was the moment when we ended a war and secured our nation and restored our image as the last, best hope on Earth.”

Barack Obama actually believed that he alone had the power to keep the oceans from rising. He alone could end wars. The truth is that climate change is a money game, and those leading the charge will make a fortune from over regulating and over taxing businesses.

The other truth is that during eight years of the Barack Obama presidency, he dragged America into more foreign conflicts than any other president in our history.

What he didn’t say was that he would start his presidency with a world-wide Apology Tour. He did not restore our image, but instead inflicted a gash that will take decades to heal.

Obama still cannot say that ISIS is a terrorist organization. He is still supporting ‘rebels’ that are actually terrorists. Our troops are still hamstrung because of his senseless Rules of Engagement. And today, November 18, 2016 while Hillary supporters riot in multiple states, Barack Obama will not tell them to stand down, or stop. Barack Obama is his own worst problem.

The GOP: Losing the White House – Twice

The GOP trotted out Senator John McCain as the 2008 nominee. McCain, being a career politician choose to remain on that path, and literally gave the presidency to Barack Obama.

The GOP trotted out Mitt Romney as the 2012 nominee. Liberals had learned over the previous four years that anything the White House, local or national media told them was the only gospel to trust. Romney lost his bid because he chose not to face the vacuous rumors about his income, taxes, Romneycare or anything else. Mitt Romney gave the presidency to Barack Obama.

Barack Obama won the presidency twice. But those wins were not based on executive leadership, his ability to work with people, or experience. He was a mixed race 2-term Senator with a microphone and people listened. They didn’t vote for him because he was qualified. They voted for him because of his color. His character, temperament and true ideology were ignored by the media because they couldn’t afford to expose him.

Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize and had done nothing to deserve it. Liberals loved the fact that Hope and Change had given him the opportunity to do great things and he got a trophy. Liberals love getting trophies for not doing anything.

Two years later, in 2010, the voters weren’t happy with Democratic leaders. It was the worst loss for Democrats in 62 years. Obama agreed that they “got shellacked”. It was the biggest power shift since the 1948 election. Republicans picked up 59 seats in the House.

Obama’s promise of “Transformational Change” was fading and so was his power.

Democrats learned an important yet tedious lesson. Voting for, and implementing Obama policies came with a price. The passage of ObamaCare by Democrats was costly.

Barack Obama also campaigned about ‘transparency’. But America didn’t agree with the White House controlling the message, the photo opps and pre-arranged media questions.

Do What I Say, Not What I Do

The quote below from shows that there is little truth or transparency flowing from the President to the Press Corps, or any other media. Even after the historical 2010 “shellacking”, there was no improvement in transparency.

“An exhaustive study of every official exchange Obama had with the press corps in 2014, supplemented by a review of daily press briefings and interviews with more than a dozen current and former correspondents and White House press secretaries, reveals a White House determined to conceal its workings from the press, and by extension, the public. The research, paid for by a fund established in memory of former White House correspondent Helen Thomas, makes clear that the media most responsible for covering the president and his inner sanctum are given little insight into how decisions are made or who influences those decisions, whether from inside or outside the White House.”

For the first time in our history, the President used social media to issue sound bites, talking points and radical ideas. His voters loved it because they felt closer to him. They could share and respond to his media posts and they felt empowered. Obama gave a speech in 2012 entitled, “Yes We Can” that became a chant, a feel-good moment, and a family-like atmosphere for his voters.

And Journalism was neutered and put out to pasture.

Here are a few of Obama Policies from 2009 – 2013 that will seal his legacy of failure.

2009: ObamaCare or the Affordable Care Act.

The Promise: If you like your doctor/health insurance you can keep it.

– The Lie: Jonathan Gruber, architect of the bill admitted that it was “The stupidity of the American voter” that allowed Democrats to hide the true costs of ObamaCare. Otherwise it never would have passed. None of them read the bill, and Nancy Pelosi famously and ignorantly said, “We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what’s in it.”

– Pros: 20 million people now have insurance

– Cons: 20 million people cannot afford the rising premiums or deductibles

– The Promise: Donald Trump will make changes to ObamaCare to make it work for everyone.

2009: The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (also called The Stimulus)

– The Promise: To Save or Create Jobs and keep unemployment from rising, and it would jump start the economy. Obama promised to cut the deficit in half and it would only cost $1 Trillion.

– The Lie:  “Shovel-ready was not as…uh shovel ready as we expected”. (Barack Obama) In fact, those jobs never existed.

– Pros: There are no pros to spending $1 Trillion by an administration with no executive experience.

– Cons: Unemployment rose but the White House uses statistics to make it appear that Obama’s policies are working for America. They are not. In Obama’s 8th year as President there are over 90 million unemployed Americans.

2010: Withdrawing American troops from Iraq

– The Promise: To scale down US combat operations in Iraq

– The Problem: An Iraqi government had not been established and the Iraqi foreign minister stated that Obama’s decision was “an embarrassment”.

– The Truth: Obama’s popularity was plunging and he had a campaign pledge to fulfill, consequences be damned

– The Lie: Iraqi security forces were functioning at high levels and were capable of  controlling the violence

– The undeniable fact is that withdrawing troops without having an Iraqi government in place created a power vacuum. Al quaeda filled the void and by 2016, ISIS had retaken Mosul and other areas. American troops are on the ground and are being killed by ISIS.

2009: War and Obama’s New Rules of Engagement

– The Facts: Troop deaths increased because they were restrained from firing in order to spare civilian casualties, cut back on airstrikes and artillery strikes — the types of support that protect troops during raids and ambushes. They literally could not fight back when they were being attacked.

– By 2012, our media stopped reporting on troop deaths because it would have proved Obama’s incompetence in leadership.

 2011: Libya and the Lawless American President

– Obama intervened in this conflict without the approval of Congress and without the War Powers Act.

– The Fact: Obama used fear tactics to convince the world that Colonel Quaddafi was moving towards Benghazi and could massacre tens of thousands of people. Europe was proposing a No Fly Zone. Libya was not a direct threat to America, so this was an overreach of authority.

– The Problem: Quaddafi was using ground forces, not airplanes. The CIA was on the ground in Libya and was supplying arms to the rebels.

– The rebels were made up of terrorists. We armed terrorists, and nobody knows how we paid for this conflict because it was not approved by Congress.

2012: Benghazi – the failure of the White House and State Department to protect American

– The Fact: The State Department, under the leadership of the President is responsible for providing security for American assets (embassies) in foreign countries. Ambassador Chris Stevens made 600 requests and concerns for better security in Benghazi. On the night of September 11, 2012 the consulate was

– The attack lasted for 13

– Requests for reinforcements were ignored by Obama and

– Ambassador Stevens was kidnapped, tortured, raped and

– Three other Americans were killed that night as they fought to protect the

– The White House and State Department failed these men, and they continue to lie about what happened. Hillary Clinton during a Congressional Investigation, yelled, “What difference at this point does it matter?!”

– It matters because you failed to do your job

– It matters because you covered it up

– It matters because you have proven your level of incompetence

2012: Iraq, Afghanistan and al quaeda

– The Promise: “We have put al quaeda on a path to defeat.”

– The Truth: The Obama administration was funding al quaeda

– Obama’s Lie: ” “I ended the war in Iraq, as I promised. We are transitioning out of Afghanistan. We have gone after the terrorists who actually attacked us 9/11 and decimated al Qaeda.” This was a speech to cover his failures. The war in Iraq did not end and al quaeda became ISIS, or ISIL as Obama prefers to call the terror organization.

– Repeating the Lie: Obama repeatedly stated that “al Qaeda is on the path to defeat.” The path al quaeda was on, was the march to Libya where our President and Secretary of State allowed them to murder four Americans.

2013: Obama’s Drone War in Afghanistan

– Using drones to haphazardly execute terrorists ended up killing families that had nothing to do with terrorism.

– Using drones to kill American’s overseas goes against our very Constitution and a person’s right to a fair trial.

2013: Foreign Policy of Failure

– Iran, North Korea, Russia, Syria, Libya: all failures

The legacy of Barack Obama will be written about for decades. His failed foreign policy, our failed economy, his insatiable spending appetite and all without passing a single budget. He strode into the White House after winning his second campaign which was coined Forward! However, after eight years of failed policies, lack of transparency and the rise of racism, America voters decided that Forward! has pulled us so far backwards that we need to change everything.

Republicans now control the White House, the Senate and the House of Representatives, and we will hold legislators accountable. If they fail to represent us, they too will be replaced.

The real win for America is that we saved the Supreme Court. Hillary Clinton would have packed it full of radical judges that would have made decisions against America. Decisions like Justice Roberts on ObamaCare.

President-elect Donald Trump’s campaign slogan was “Make America Great Again”, because he knows that we cannot afford to keep moving backwards.

Obama’s Madness and Method of Control Thursday, Dec 18 2014 

When Obama doesn’t get his way he has a tool chest full of deceit and he’s become an expert at using these tools. He uses the infamous pen and phone, the AutoPen, Executive Orders, the media AND a little something he likes to call Presidential Memoranda.

The truth about Obama is that he cannot work with people that have opposing views. Right now, that’s pretty much everyone in Congress. He has taken on the power of a monarch and his powers remain unchecked.

This is a problem.

Let’s talk lawlessness for a moment and the new face that it represents. When we elect people to represent us, that is our minimum expectation. That they will pass laws that protect, not impugn us. That they will not insult or blame us and not have a different set of expectations that they themselves are not willing to follow. We expect them not to act as a Dictator. We expect them to hold our interests, our families, our economy, our military, our foreign policies and our nation in their best interest.

We’ve all heard about Obama’s arrogant use of his pen and phone. Instead of working with Congress, he uses the power of his office to pass legislation that hasn’t been vetted, does not benefit our nation, and has proven to be unconstitutional. How does a Constitutional Lawyer get away with such lawlessness, and why does he still have his pen and phone?

In January 2014, Obama put on his serious face to pretend that he had “work to do”. That’s one of his most annoying quotes, that and the look of contempt on his face and those angrily clenched jaws. Obama was temporarily interested in the state of the economy, jobs and American families. He stated, “We’re not just going to be waiting for legislation in order to make sure that we’re providing Americans the kind of help they need. I’ve got a pen and I’ve got a phone,” Obama’s pretend focus on the economy typically lasts as long as his speech. He has never stuck around to work with Congress to get any real work done. Instead he circumvents Congress because he thinks he’s a king and he thinks that he has autonomy to do whatever he wants.

In that same lecture to the American people, he stated; “The belief that everybody’s got to take responsibility, everybody’s got to work hard, but if you do, that you can support a family and meet the kinds of obligations that you have to yourself and your family, but also to your communities and your neighbors.”

That’s all fine and good with one exception. Obama takes no responsibility for anything, and when something goes wrong, he blames someone else. When is President Obama going to take responsibility for his failures? When is he going to turn off ESPN and actually start working?

We also know about his Auto Pen. Why would we allow a President to sign legislation that is not even in front of him?

Did you know that Obama’s first use of the AutoPen was to extend the Patriot Act? It’s true. The Patriot Act was one of the issues Obama railed against President George Bush while he was campaigning. He warned about the abuse of this legislation in 2005, but once he took the oath of office, he extended the Patriot Act and he wasn’t even in the same state when it was signed. Oh no, he was off vacationing and simply couldn’t wait for the paperwork to be delivered.

How’s that for irony?

I have to admit that I was completely unaware of Presidential use of ‘Memoranda’ as a way to circumvent Congress. It is similar to Executive Orders and carries similar weight. According to USA Today, Obama has “already signed 33% more presidential memoranda in less than six years than Bush did in eight. He’s also issued 45% more than the last Democratic president, Bill Clinton, who assertively used memoranda to signal what kinds of regulations he wanted federal agencies to adopt.”

Why are we just now hearing about this little factoid?

Why has the media been silent about Obama’s Memoranda? Are they just a bunch of scaredy cats or are they complicit?

Why do We the People allow a President to continue his lawlessness, unchecked and with no accountability?

Does anyone really know what happens from day to day in our nation’s capital?

In the spirit of Obama’s lawlessness we have things like ObamaCare, Amnesty, IRS targeting of conservative groups, Fast and Furious and recess appointments – to name a few. This week a federal judge declared that portions of Obama’s Executive Order for Amnesty, to be unconstitutional.

Obama’s use of Executive Orders is not unconstitutional. What is unconstitutional is the stipulations that he includes in those orders. For example; AMNESTY.

Obama’s Amnesty ‘legislation’ is designed to PROTECT illegal aliens from deportation.

They came here illegally. In doing so, they broke the law.

So what does Obama do? He pens and Executive Order that is designed to protect illegals from deportation. Well, five million of them anyway. Yes, you read that correctly. The President of the United States is protecting law breakers…from the law they broke.

Voters used the power of the ballot in 2010 and again in 2014 to show our dislike for Congress. The Democrats were slaughtered in both elections and now the GOP has the House and the Senate.

But even with Republican control of Congress, there is still no control over Obama.

When will his tool chest be closed and his power removed? Do we seriously have to wait until January 2017?

The Detached President Sunday, Jul 20 2014 

Mr. Lead-From-Behind

Never in the history of our nation has the leadership been so cavalier, hands off, bored or detached from our foreign or domestic policies. The economy doesn’t matter to him.

Escalating costs for food, transportation and housing don’t matter to him. The job doesn’t matter, or that would be his focus. The problems don’t matter because they don’t affect him personally.

Obama has played 180 games of golf in six years. He has gone on multiple multi-million dollar vacations and frequently flies separate from his family.

Obama Golfing Pic

While 90+ million Americans remain unemployed, Obama vacations. He has no remorse or guilt because he feels entitled.

The Obama Indoctrination

The people that mentored him told him that he was entitled, so he believes it. He was fed the Socialist Model of Government, brain washed by the teachings of Alynski, Mao, Che, Marx, Hitler and others.

Obama believes that the Socialist model is best for America and stated this is his goal, “My legacy will be an America brought down to the level of the rest of the world.” That’s it.

This delusional man hates American Exceptionalism. He hates our Republic. He hates our Constitution, our Bill of Rights and he hates our Military. He believes that it is his job to disassemble, destroy and forever CHANGE this great country into a third-world country that is dependent on others for money and security.

Things Obama hates

He hates capitalism: “If you’ve got a business – you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.

He claims to hate the rich, but he is very wealthy: “I do think at a certain point you’ve made enough money.”

He pushes the Socialist model instead of Capitalism: “I think when you spread the wealth around, it’s good for everybody.” If he uses welfare statistics since he took office, then this chart means he has been successful.


Obama hates gun owners and their support of the Second Amendment. The irony is that he is surrounded every day by men carrying guns – just for his protection. “I am not in favor of concealed weapons. I think that creates a potential atmosphere where more innocent people could get shot during altercations.”

Funny, Mr. President. As an “innocent” there have been no discharged weapons by all those scary people that protect you…..with concealed Guns.

Obama is THE WAR ON WOMEN and through his legislation, our tax dollars are used to murder unborn children in our country and abroad (Mexico City Policy). He said, “I’ve got two daughters. 9 years old and 6 years old. I am going to teach them first about VALUES AND MORALS. But if they make a mistake, I don’t want them punished with a baby.” So much for values and morals.

When Rick Warren attempted to get a response about the rights of the unborn, Obama stated, “….you know, it’s above my pay grade.” You just can’t make this stuff up.

He Just Didn’t Know

He clearly isn’t engaged with the requirements of his job because he never seems to be aware that something happened until it hits the news. He didn’t “Know” that:

– ObamaCare would force people off their plans even though he had promised, “If you like your healthcare, you can keep your healthcare.”

– The NSA was wiretapping Germany, Angela Merkel and other ‘friends’.

– The ObamaCare website wasn’t tested prior to rollout.

– The IRS was singling out conservative, tea party groups or those considered to ‘disagree with him or his polices’. Pretty hard to believe considering that Jarrett had stated, “After we win this election, it’s our turn. Payback time. Everyone not with us is against us and they better be ready because we don’t forget. The ones that helped us will be rewarded. The one who opposed us will get what they deserve. There is going to be hell to pay.”

– The DOJ  was illegally collecting phone records of AP reporters.

– That additional security had been requested by the embassy in Benghazi, but then blamed the deaths of four Americans on a video tape that had been viewed on YouTube seven times.

– Fast and Furious. Just another time that Obama wasn’t engaged with the DOJ and was oblivious to the fact that his administration was running illegal weapons into Mexico. Some of those weapons have been used against our very own border patrol. Some of those weapons have been left behind at crime scenes in Mexico where mass shootings have taken place. But of course our President was oblivious to all of this.

Either he is incompetent, or a liar, or both. Obama has stated that he can’t wait to get out of DC.

It is ironic how the White House holds American parents responsible for what their kids eat, play and work. It’s incredible how they want to be so deeply embedded in our homes and lives that they remain absolutely clueless about what happens in their own home.

The WannaBe Rock Star

In a March 2014 interview with Ellen Degeneres, Obama stated, “If you followed me, most of my day is  sitting in a room listening to a bunch of folks in gray suits talking about a whole bunch of stuff that wouldn’t make very good television,”

What he really meant is this: ‘If you followed me, most of my day is sitting in a room listening to a bunch of folks in gray suits talking about a whole bunch of stuff that I don’t understand and don’t care about it.’

That is the reality of this man and the position he holds. He’s bored.

The Media Pass

No matter how outrageous the words that tumble from his mouth, such as the day he took office and stated, “This was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal”,  he gets a pass from our media. No matter how idiotic, and I’ll use two very dramatic circumstances:

Benghazi: The White House trotted out Susan Rice and she blamed the execution of an American Ambassador and three other Americans on a video tape.

A Malaysian passenger plane is shot down over the Ukraine and they call it a “Terrible Tragedy.” BOTH instances are acts of terrorism, but one is blamed on a video and the other is just a tragedy.

The Border Crisis

Tens of thousands of illegal aliens are pouring across our border and essentially given asylum. They are being shuttled around the country to hide the problem. These people bring diseases that this country hasn’t seen in 50 years, but they are put on passenger planes – WITHOUT LEGAL ID.

They will end up in our public schools. They will end up on food stamps and welfare. But you know what? Obama has refused to go to the border and observe the problem. His reason for not going to the border? He didn’t want to do it for a photo opp.

If fences don’t matter, then lets’ disassemble the fence around the White House. Let’s allow whoever, whenever, for any reason walk up to your front door and make whatever demands they have in that moment. Sir, if fences don’t matter, then yours is irrelevant. The reason: He doesn’t care. Not even a little bit.

This problem isn’t in his neighborhood and these people will never live anywhere near him. He remains sheltered and aloof. In his mind, that solves the problem. Mr. President, even liberals choked on that statement. Everything you do is for a photo opp. Whether you sit in the same position as Rosa Parks, whether you cut in line at a Texas BBQ joint, or you show up at a basketball game.

Everything you do is for a photo opp. Everyone understands at this point that this does not reflect leadership. Liberals may have a hard time calling you a self-center narcissist, but you are. Mr. President and it is exceedingly clear that the only thing you care about is yourself.

Not even interested

You are not engaged with the Joint Chiefs, or our military. You managed to pull troops from Iraq and now the country is falling apart. Your response. Send 275 non-military people to fix it. Seriously?!
You are not engaged with Republicans.

You are not engaged with the American people.

You are so far off mark that even liberals are tired of your rhetoric and tantrums.

You blame Congress for not pushing your agenda.

You attacked Supreme Court judges while giving a State of the Union address. That is despicable behavior.


You thought that road trips and backyard barbecues would be the sweet deal that would bring you back into favor with your voters. The voters are tired of your games.

We Aren’t Racist Mr. President: It’s about Character, not Color

Every time you leave the White House because you have time on your hands and don’t want to deal with all the crisis, you tie up traffic, you end up spending tax dollars on security that we don’t have to spend.

We resent you for that because it reflects your lack of discipline, restraint and common sense. We resent that you behave like a spoiled child and demand your way in everything.

We resent that you have learned nothing and are doing all the wrong things for this country.

The Pen

Mr. President, we are broke. Busted. Your economic policies and legislation has spent money into the next four administrations.

You have spent more money in six years than was spent by all prior administrations combined.

You have a pen and the only way you use it is to spend money that we don’t have.

Your own party hasn’t passed a single budget since you took office in 2009. Yet the spending continues with no restraint and no accountability.

The Allegiance with Terror states

Instead of engaging with our allies, you meet with Arabs, Muslims, leaders of countries that would love to see America burn. You bow to foreign leaders.

Mr. Obama, the President of the United States should never bow to anyone, ever.  I know that you haven’t grasped the meaning of ‘dignitary’ or ‘statesman’. I realize those two words and the requirements are not in your limited vocabulary. I realize that you much prefer to use the words, “I – I – me – mine”. I realize that you really believe that you killed bin laden because you took credit.

The rest of the world watched that speech and watched you grow smaller and smaller in their eyes. The rest of the world realizes that you are a nobody, a puppet, and you are happy to prove them right in every situation.

Liberals are so Lost

Even CNN, the largest liberal news organization in our country is choking on your statements, and has posted an article by Newt Gingrich, “The tranquillity of Obama’s mind“. Granted the article is by Gingrich, but for God’s sake it’s posted on CNN.

The article brings out your latest fantasy that you are a bear. Mr. Obama, the world has watched you struggle during a workout with one-pound weights.

You are NOT a bear.

Putin is a bear. He invaded Crimea and you did nothing. He or his people are suspected of shooting down a passenger plane. You do nothing. He is working with Iran on a centrifuge. You do nothing. You are not a bear. To put yourself in that league is just embarrassing.

Ignoring Our Allies

Instead of engaging with Netanyahu, you take every opportunity to snub him and tell him that his own people cannot build in their own city, Jerusalem. Instead of agreeing that Israel should be able to protect herself, you demand that the state return to pre-1967, an era that their people were not protected. You think that an 8-mile stretch of land is enough. It is not.

The Tower of Fools

Obama seems incapable of reason, of working on solutions, on partnering with anyone in DC other than Jarrett, Pelosi, Reid and other sycophants that still lick the soles of his shoes. In 2008 people called him; brilliant, a great orator, engaging, a uniter, affable and charming.

They were talking about a guy that had served two years in the Senate and had never owned or managed a company, never met a payroll, never made important decisions and had a Senate record of voting, “present”.

They were talking about a fantasy.

The media jumped on that train and failed to do the job of vetting him. They became sycophants. Leeches. Useful idiots.

In a 2008 interview with Thad Cochran (R-MS) revealed that not everyone in the GOP had total disregard for Obama.

Alec Torres: “But you don’t think — there seem to be some who think it will be a disaster for the country if Obama was elected — you don’t feel that way?”

Thad Cochran: Well, no, I just think he has the personal qualities to grow in the job even though he’s hadn’t had all the experiences that some others have. He has been in the United States Senate, he’s proven he gets along well with people. He’s very affable and charming, wonderful personality, very engaging personally, and diplomacy is a real important part of the job of the presidency, and I think he will do an excellent job in that respect.

The Desperate Media

It would appear that a few news organizations want to stand up straight. They are tired of being bent over and having their behinds covered with Vaseline. They have been told for six years what they can and cannot print.their interview questions are vetted down to the type of underwear that he puts on.

He goes on the liberal talk-show circuit to sell his ideas to the groveling media.

He behaves as if he is the most important person in the room and he’s not. We the People are the most important people.

We the People will crush the Democrats in November 2014.

We the People cannot wait until Democrats present Hillary Clinton as their choice.

We the People don’t believe Hillary’s lies about being broke. Don’t insult our intelligence.

We the People know that Hillary lied about running from sniper fire in Kosovo.

We the people know that she is the worst possible candidate and we will continue to educate the Obama Zombie Voters that she does not represent them.

Hillary is nothing short of Obama with blonde fair.

Back to the Media

They have been threatened, fired, excluded from flying with the press pool, banned from interviews with Obama and they’re getting tired. Oh boo-frickin-hoo. You guys built him up, if you want to do a real story on Obama, then you have to stand on your own.

The White House has taken over the Presidential ‘imagery’. They release photos (photo opps) that they feel are relevant. Nothing is leaked that they don’t approve.

The Irony of a Marine in a Mexican Prison and a traitor in Afghanistan

Bowe Bergdahl, an American soldier abandoned his post and his fellow soldiers in Afghanistan to join the taliban.

Bergdahl is a traitor, and you pretend that he is a hero. In your attempts to gain media footing and support, you gave a speech to soldiers and said, “We got him”.

There was no applause, even though there was an “applause break” built into your speech. Mr. President, Bergdahl’s fellow soldiers know that he is a traitor.

They know that he should be locked up. Instead, your team is re-integrating him back into service.

A United States Marine sits in a Mexican prison because he made a wrong turn into Mexico. This Marine, Andrew Tahmooressi had legal weapons in his vehicle and declared them to the border agents. He was summarily arrested and thrown into a Mexican prison. Tahmooressi is a veteran and did two tours in Afghanistan. He deserves better.

Mr. President, where is the justice for this Marine? He’s not a traitor. He made a mistake.

Mr. President, YOU traded FIVE TERRORISTS for Bergdahl – a traitor. You have done nothing for Tahmooressi.

Whatever happened to your statement that, “We leave no man behind”?

I realize that the differences between the Marine and the soldier are vast.

The Marine has served with dignity and the soldier is a traitor. You naturally lean towards and love the traitor.

The Wrong Guy for this Job

Mr. President, you have broken the law. You have refused to enforce the law. You have partnered with the wrong people. You have learned nothing.

Mr. President, you are unfit for duty. It is time for you to put down the pen.

Put down the phone. Walk out the front door of the White House and submit your resignation.

You have proven that you cannot and will not do the very job that you wanted, campaigned for and begged for.

For six years, your administration has blamed George Bush, Congress and the American people.

You have told us to “tighten our belts” while you eat like a king and vacation like a rock star. A very wealthy rock star, whose vacations are funded by American tax dollars.

You have consistently done the exact opposite of what you tell the rest of us to do.

Failed leadership

You have taken no responsibility other than to say, “The buck stops here.” Mr. President if that were true, this country would not be a target.

Our borders would not be under attack.

Our people would be working.

Our economy would be stable.

Our companies would be able to compete.

The EPA would not be crippling farmers or the coal industry or the American people for collecting rainwater.

The IRS would not be allowed to go after groups that don’t agree with you.

The NSA wouldn’t be snooping on my computer.

The DOJ would be enforcing the law, not breaking it, not snooping on the AP and everyone else that disagrees with you.

Our schools would be teaching a real curriculum instead of Common Core and Revisionist History.

Iraq and Afghanistan would not be so unstable. You stated that Afghanistan is a “Necessary War” but you implemented Rules of Engagement that are so restrictive that our deployed military cannot actively engage the enemy. That is traitorous.

ObamaCare would not be law. The humorous part of ACA is that the Supreme Court that you openly humiliated is dismantling your law. It is unenforceable. ObamaCare is over.

The Next Two Years

If you remain in office for the duration of the next two years, you will only get smaller. Your legacy, your history, your policies are already up for ridicule.

Step down now before you do yourself anymore damage. We know that it will take at least two of the next administrations to undo the damage you have inflicted on our country.

The voters have learned their lesson. The First Black President has been a disaster. The pop-star with the iconic blue halo logo has harmed black families and exacerbated unemployment rates for young blacks.

More millennial’s are living with their parents than has ever happened in this country. There aren’t jobs for them.

Your policies have paralyzed companies. They don’t want to spend money on capital investments, expansion or hiring because they don’t know what you will do next to hamstring their growth. More oppressive regulation to punish their success.

We know that the 600 campaign events you have attended since you took office in 2009 are more important than getting this country back on track.

Mr. President, we know that you are bored.

We understand that you think the job is beneath your dignity. We realize that you don’t care about anything or anyone but yourself.

The high expectations of the 2008 and 2012 voters have remained unmet. Their standards were too high and that’s a tough lesson. You have continually met the lowest possible standards in policy, statesmanship and leadership.

Mr. President, the fact is that you never showed up.

Unfit for Duty

Mr. President, ‘leading from behind’ is not leading.

Eight days after you took the oath of office, you were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. You had done nothing to earn that prize, and other people did but were taken out of the running because of you. You accepted the trophy and prize money with more arrogance than is befitting a person of your position.

You should have graciously stated that you were ‘flattered’, but truly unworthy. But you didn’t. You are a soulless bastard and there is nothing that you won’t take from someone else. Nothing.

Mr. President, you have received the award, “Liar of the Year” because you earned it.

It’s over Mr. President. Walk away with the other title you earned this year, “Worst President Ever” and go play golf. Just go away so we can fix the things you broke.